Professional Jealousy at workplace…

“A flower never thinks of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.”

Jealousy is not a pleasant feeling, especially if you have experienced it in the past. However, professional jealousy is different from personal jealousy.  You may have heard of the term “professional jealousy” before, but do you know what it means? If you’re not sure, it’s time to find out.

Professional jealousy is a form of envy that can be experienced by individuals who are in the same profession or area of expertise as a colleague, friend or family member. Although it is often thought of as a negative emotion, professional jealousy can actually help develop your career and improve your personal relationships by motivating you to work harder and achieve greater success. But this would only be possible if you don’t have an evil nature.

Professional jealousy can be a difficult thing to deal with in the workplace. It is a complex emotion that can be driven by a number of factors, including age, gender, and proximity to the person we are jealous of. It can make the workplace toxic. Jealousy has a way of clouding learning, productivity and morale in the company. Jealousy can destroy teamwork and create conflict among colleagues, affecting productivity and happiness. Healthy competition is good but when it comes towards negative emotion of jealousy it will effect other person’s life if you are taking advantage of your authority.

The key to dealing with professional jealousy is recognizing that it exists and understanding how to manage and cope with it.

Avoiding Professional Jealousy

The best way to avoid professional jealousy is to take care of yourself first. Before you get too caught up in other people’s lives, make sure that your own needs are being met. This includes setting boundaries with others so that they don’t take advantage of you or try to control your life in any way. It also means taking care of your body through exercise and healthy eating choices (which will help keep your mind sharp).

Once you’ve done all this work on yourself, then it’s time for action! Professional jealousy is a problem that can cause workplace conflict, especially when it comes to promotions and pay raises.

You may have heard the expression “It’s like having a baby,” but many people don’t realize just how difficult it can be to raise a child. It can feel similar to this — it’s an emotional reaction that can cause serious problems in the workplace, when you feel like your colleagues and friends are getting more attention than you. You may also feel jealous of their success and achievements.

It’s normal to feel this way, but if it becomes a problem for you at work, it could be costing you money, affecting your career , yours and others mental health as well.

If you’re feeling jealous of your colleagues or friends, here are some ways to deal with them:

Talk about it: Don’t be afraid to speak up about how you’re feeling. It can be difficult to do this without sounding negative or complaining, but talking about it can help.

Be honest: Don’t feel the need to hide or deny anything if you’re dealing with professional jealousy at work. If someone asks how things are going at work, tell them honestly and don’t try to hide anything.

Seek help: Professional jealousy isn’t something that gets better on its own; it needs professional help! Speak with someone who specializes in dealing with these kinds of issues, such as a counselor or therapist.

Try to improve yourself and work hard rather than feeling jealous from others. It can be dangerous if you Start manipulates the things against anyone if you find someone better than yourself and the worst form of jealousy comes when evil nature start talking about character and spread wrong rumors about anyone. These kind of people must remember one things:

* وَتُعِزُ مَن تَشَاء وَتُذِلُ مَن تَشَاء 
‘Wa tu izzu mantash-u wa tu zillu mantasha-u’

‘And He honours whom He wills, and He disgraces whom He wills.’

- Quran 3:26

If you are experiencing such kind of people just ignore and avoid them. Focus on yourself, your work and Let them Allah to deal with them because you dont need yourself to drag at their level if someone doing wrong against you. It will be beneficial for you in the long run.🙂😊🙂😊🙂

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